AAR Award, Religion and the Arts | American Academy of Religion. To artist, performer, critic, or scholar who has made recent significant contribution to understanding of relations among the arts and religions, both for scholars and for the broader public. Deadline March |
AAUW Fellowships | Postdoc Research Leave Fellowships — $30,000, one year. Intended to assist in obtaining tenure. Female; Ph.D., MFA, EdD, DBA, or DM by application. Arts, humanities, sciences, social sciences. Preference to projects that are not dissertation revision. Deadline early Nov. Summer/Short-Term Research Publication Grants — $6,000 for 8-week consecutive period. To prepare manuscript for publication. Female; must have doctorate or MFA. May also be part-time or temporary faculty. For drafting, editing, review; not for preliminary research. Cannot be co-authored. Scholars with strong publication records should seek elsewhere. Deadline early Nov. |
American Antiquarian Society | Library collections = Amer. hist or culture through 1876. Fields = history, art and music history, literature, political science, 18th-cent. studies, newspapers, magazines, history of book. Hench Post-Dissertation Fellowship — $35,000 for 12-month fellowship. Up to 3 yrs from Ph.D. Any topic in collection; to revise or extend dissertation for publication. Deadline Oct. AAS-NEH Fellowships — To $40,000 for 4-12 mo residency. Mid-career encouraged. January. AAS Short-term Fellowships – $1,000 per month for 1-3 mo. For research in collections. January. |
AGLSP National Faculty Award | Assoc. of Graduate Liberal Studies Programs. $1,000, conference presentation; to outstanding interdisciplinary faculty teaching in graduate liberal studies program. Deadline June. |
BBVA Frontiers of Knowledge Awards | $600,000 award recognizing creative excellence in music, painting, sculpture; or research in physics, chemistry, math, biomedicine, conservation biology, information technologies, economics. Deadline June. |
Residential Fellows, CASBS | Academic-year interdisciplinary residential fellowship at Stanford Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences. Social and natural sciences, humanities, arts, and professions. General themes 2009-10: 1. Longevity 2. Invisible forces. Deadline June 1. |
Center for Hellenic Studies | Stipend, housing, travel. One yr. For research project on ancient Greece, e.g. archaeology, art history, epigraphy, history, philosophy, interdisciplinary. Pref to early-career tenure-track, but not dissertation revision. Deadline October. |
CSGS New Scholar Award | Conference of Southern Graduate Schools. $1,000 Recognizing scholarly achievement by early-career faculty, <6 yrs from Ph.D. Fall 2008 nominations: Life Science. Fall 09 noms: Social Sciences, Business, Education; Humanities, Fine Arts. Deadline early Oct. |
Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation | Grants for research in Venice. Historical or contemporary Venetian society and culture. Humanities and social sciences, e.g. arts, archaeology, history, economics, law, literature, music, religion, theater. Deadline Dec. 15. |
Dumbarton Oaks, Fellowships | One-month, summer, or acadamic year residential fellowships in Byzantine or Pre-Columbian studies. |
Getty Research Institute | Arts, humanities, social sciences. Museum Institute or at Villa. All deadlines are Nov 1 Research Scholar — To $75,000 for academic-yr residency Visiting Scholar — $3,500 monthly, up to 3 mo. Post-doc — $22,000 for academic year. Ph.D. 2002 or later Library Research Grant — To $2,500. Five days to 3 months. Pre-doc — $18,000 for academic year |
Howard Fellowships | $25,000 stipend to support mid-career (completed degree in past 5-15 yrs) project; especially. intended to augment paid sabbatical leave. Topics announced annually, in 6-yr rotation of fields in Liberal and Fine Arts. Nomination deadline November. |
Jentel Artist Residency | One-month residency. Visual artists (all media) and creative writers, age 25+. Deadlines Jan. 15 for summer/fall, Sept. 15 for winter/spring. |
MacDowell Residency | Up to 8 weeks. Peterborough, New Hampshire. Deadlines Sept 15 for spring, Janu 15 for summer, April 15 for fall |
Metropolitan Museum, Art History Fellowships | Short- and long-term resident fellowships to pre-doctoral students and to post-docs generally under age 40. Research related to Museum’s collections. Deadline Nov. 1 |
J. Clawson Mills Scholarships | Awarded for one year’s study or research at the Metropolitan Museum or abroad in any branch of the fine arts relating to the Museum’s collection. These scholarships are generally reserved for mature scholars of demonstrated ability. Nov. 1 |
National Gallery of Art | Center for Advanced Study of the Visual Arts. Short-term and long-term resident fellowships, up to $50,000 plus housing. Deadline Sept. |
National Humanities Center | Residential fellowships. All areas of humanistic study, including specific fellowships restricted for art history, theology, Asian studies, and environmental studies. Oct 15 |
Native American Artist Fellowships | 2-month to 6-month resident fellowships (Santa Fe) for Native American Artists. Deadline Nov. 1 |
NEH Summer Stipends | $6,000 for two consecutive months of full-time research and writing, of value to scholars and general audiences in the humanities, projects at any stage of development. US citizens or foreign nationals in US for 3 years. Junior or senior faculty; adjunct or part-time. Not for: collection inventories; curriculum development; textbooks; creative or performing arts. Two nominations allowed per university. Deadline July 31. |
Newberry Library, Zelzer Fellowship | Up to $3,500 for research in Newberry Library’s music collections. |
Rockefeller Foundation, Bellagio Residency | 4-week residency at Bellagio, Italy. Scholars, scientists, and creative artists in all fields. January |
Shohet Scholars | $10,000-30,000, one yr. For significant original research in archaeology, art history, classical studies, history, comparative religions, or related subjects, within the sphere of the Mediterranean world from late Hellenistic to end of Roman Empire. Special interest: interdisciplinary, new perspectives. Nov. 15 |
Smithsonian Senior Fellows | For scholars 7+ yrs beyond Ph.D. $42,000/yr, 3-12 months. January 15. |
Terra Summer Residency in Giverny | 8-week residency at Musee d’Art Americain, Giverny. Artists with MFA in painting or mixed media. Deadline January. |
Ucross Residency | Residencies for visual artists, creative writers, dancers, composers, collaborative teams. Deadlines Oct. 1 for spring, March 1 for fall. |
UNESCO Fellowship | Up to $15,000 for 1 to 6 months abroad in training or advanced research. April 1 |
Wolf Prize | $100,000 Music, painting, sculpture. For achievements in the interest of mankind and friendly relations among peoples. Deadline August |
Yaddo Residency | Saratoga Springs, New York. Resident room, board, studio for 2 weeks to 2 months for professional creative artists: music composition, visual arts, literature, choreography, film/video. January 1 for May Feb starts; Aug 1 for Oct-May start |
If you’d like to suggest additional fellowships to list here, or if you have any problems accessing the above-listed links, please email grants@tcnj.edu. |