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Prospecting Tools

External Sources


In order to provide easily accessible funding information for faculty and staff at TCNJ, the College has obtained a membership subscription to InfoEd’s SPINPlus. SPINPlus is a Web-based subscription package that bundles Sponsored Programs Information Network (SPIN), Global Expertise Network for Industry, Universities and Scholars (GENIUS), and SPIN Matching and Researcher Transmittal System (SMARTS). Collectively, this system provides effective support for developing sponsored programs.

SPIN is a funding opportunities database (with over 10,000 programs) designed to provide up-to-date information on current federal and non-federal program announcements. It allows users to search the database using keywords and other criteria.

GENIUS is a database of profiles or expanded curriculum vitae of scientific and scholarly expertise that is accessible institutionally and/or globally (based upon individual preference) through the World Wide Web. The profile categories will assist us in compiling institutional data on scholarship, and all individual information is kept confidential.

SMARTS is an electronic transmittal service whereby InfoEd will match an individual’s GENIUS profile against the funding opportunities offered through SPIN and e-mail the results on a daily basis.

Sign-Up Procedures

Go to the OAGSR web site and click on Funding Opportunities from the menu at the left. Scroll down to SPINPlus (GENIUS, SMARTS, and SPIN) and click. This will bring you to the InfoEd Office menu.
Click on GENIUS/SMARTS (SPIN is also available at that menu selection site), then on Create New Profile.
Select The College of New Jersey from the drop down menu, and click continue.
Complete the requested entries from name to password and click submit.
A profile summary page will appear.
A partial profile of basic user information can be completed initially, with additional information added at a later date. Social security number is not required, but may be included at the user’s option.
Initially, at least 15 keywords must be chosen. This may be edited later.
Upon completion of information entry, click save, and then log out.

Within 2 days of submission, the profile will be validated and e-mail notices will begin the next day.

Anyone having difficulty with this process should call the Pre-Award Specialist in the Office of Academic Grants and Sponsored Research at extension 3255. Once registered, a user is free to revise the personal information and search for funding opportunities directly through SPINPlus.


The following are the most widely used agency listservs. The agencies send our grants announcements, deadlines, and other news about the agencies to all subscribers. Subscription information is available at the URL listed for each.

NIH Guide

NSF Newsletter



In addition, most professional organizations disseminate information pertinent to members of the field (including grant announcements) through similar e-mail lists.
