School of Nursing, Health & Exercise Science

NameFaculty Level/ TitlePrimary DeptHighest Degree(s)Research/ InterestsOther Information
Eileen AlexyAssoc.NursingPh.D., U of PennPsychiatric/Mental Health Nursing; Forensic Psychiatric Nursing; Interpersonal violence and traumatic presentations in individuals facilitated by new technologies
Geralyn AltmillerAssoc.NursingEdD, Higher Education Leadership; MSN, Widener – Major: Critical Care, Emergency, TraumaNursing quality and safety educationRecipient of 2016 AHRQ Conference Grant Award: “Infusing Quality and Safety Education for Nurses into Your Curriculum.” In 2016,
Marcia BlicharzAssoc.NursingEd.D., Rutgers U.Curriculum development, pedagogy, leadership and professional role developmentShe incorporates her expertise and vast experience as a nurse educator into her classes and challenges her students to think critically and creatively as empowered, caring, professional leaders, committed to life- long learning
Carolina BorgesPublic Health
Laura BrunoAssist.HESEd.D. in Higher Education Leadership and Innovation, Wilmington University; MS in Health and Physical Education, McDaniel CollegePrimary research interest aims to better understand how we can improve the health and well-being of others. Past publications investigate fitness-based community physical activity programs and how they impact overall health and well-being.Fellow of NJAHPERD, SHAPE America (Society of Health and Physical Educators), and ACHE (Association for Continuing Higher Education).
Jill Bush-WallaceAssoc.HESPh.D., Kinesiology, Penn StateNutrient, protein, and hormonal regulation of muscle growth and degradation under conditions of varying exercise protocols and changes in physical activity in youth; strength and conditioning changes of young adults with autism involved in exercise programsShe completed her post-doctoral studies in pediatric nutrition at The Children’s Nutrition Research Center at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas.
Sharon ByrneAssist.NursingDrNP, Drexel U.Oncology, Cancer Screening, Health Disparities in Undeserved Populations, Global Health, Women’s HealthShe has been the recipient of numerous scholarships/traineeships, awards/grants (including a 3-year grant from the Avon Foundation Breast Cancer Fund totaling $85,000).
Rosemary (Mimi) CappelliAssist.NursingEd.D., U. of SarasotaMedical-surgical, critical care nursing; nursing practice and standards; professional and regulatory nursing practicesShe incorporates years of acute care clinical, professional, legal and military nursing experience into her classes and strives to make every learning experience authentic for students.
Dolores DzubatyAssist.NursingPh.D., Capella U.Identifying beneficial learning strategies incorporated by the student with English as an additional language; paternal bondingShe is an active member of the Association of Women’s Health, Obstetric, and Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN). She has presented educational sessions in healthcare settings to nurses new to the field of hospital obstetrical nursing.
Avery FaigenbaumProf.HESEd.D., Boston U.Pediatric exercise science, physical education and preventive medicine; effects of different exercise training programs on various health, fitness and performance measures in children and adolescents; exercise interventions in public schools and sport centersIn 2011, Dr. Faigenbaum and colleagues coined the term “Exercise Deficit Disorder” to characterize children and adolescents who do not meet daily exercise guidelines but are considered to be otherwise healthy.
John FarrellAssist.HESDoctor of ChirorpacticDr. Farrell’s expertise is in the field of chiropractic. He has extensive experience working in private practice as well as experience working in a multidisciplinary clinic.
Ann FarrellAssoc.HESPh.D., Health & Phys Ed & Recreation, U. of New MexicoImproving youth fitness levels through appropriate physical education programs and a secondary area of study addresses how technology can assistDr. Farrell has been in higher education training perspective health and physical education majors since 1999 at California State University, Bakersfield and Canisius College.
Katie HoovenClinical Site Coord.NursingVillanova Univeristy- PhD Student May 2013- Current; La Salle University- MSN/MBARegistered Nurse with an eight-year track record of excellent patient relations and an extensive clinical background. Previously involved with Unit Council, served as the chair of the committee, a governing board providing regulatory oversight, cost-cutting, etc.
Jie KangProf.HESPh.D., Exercise Physiology, U. of PittsburghAlterations in energy metabolism and substrate utilization in response to acute and chronic exercise in healthy individuals and individuals with metabolic disease; effects of exercise intensity on fat utilization, energy cost of various exercise modalitiesDr. Kang has published two single-author books titled as “Bioenergetics Primer for Exercise Science” and “Nutrition and Metabolism in Sports, Exercise, and Health”. These books provide a contemporary review of a broad spectrum of materials
Connie KartozAssist.NursingPh.D., Seton Hall U.Primary care, rheumatology, care of older adults, adherence, intergenerational relationships
Carole KennerDeanNursingDoctorate, Nursing, Indiana UniversityNeonatal Nursing, Genetics, Palliative Care, and Higher Education, transition from hospital to home for mothers and babies in the NICU, fetal alcohol syndrome prevention, and global neonatal nursing workforce issues. She has over 30 years’ experience in teaching with 20 of those years in higher education administration. She has served as a Chiron Mentor for nurses through Sigma Theta Tau International, a nursing honor society.
Claire LindbergProf.NursingPh.D., RutgersGraduate nursing education; Primary care, adolescent health, women’s health, health promotion; HIV/AIDSShe is a NP Lead Faculty member and Graduate Coordinator.
Susan MitchellAssist.NursingMSN, U of Penn.Community health, community-based nursing education, wellness promotion
Tracey PerronAssist.NursingPh.D., Rutgers U.Bullying among school-age children, school health and community health; childhood obesityShe is a recipient of the prestigious Robert Wood Johnson Nurse/Faculty Scholarship. She has presented her research findings regarding bullying at several national conventions including; the National Public Health Association
Nicholas RatamessProf.HESPh.D., Kinesiology, U. of ConnecticutExamining physiological adaptations to strength training/conditioning and sports supplementationHe has authored and co-authored more than 150 scientific investigations, educational articles, review papers, chapters, and books and most recently authored The ACSM’s Foundations for Strength Training and Conditioning.
Brenda SealsVisit. Assist.Public Health
M. Elizabeth TeixeiraAssist.NursingDrNP, Drexel U.Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) prevention and management; T2DM; Barriers to effective management; complementary and integrative therapies in primary careShe has served as an abstract reviewer for the National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties (NONPF) and the Eastern Nursing Research Society (ENRS).
Marina De SouzaAssistPublic Health
Deborah GashInstructor P-TNursing
Joanna KorbaInstructor P-TNursing
Colleen PedrottyInstructor P-TNursing
Ellen RudowskiInstructor P-TNursingMSN, ANP Seton Hall University