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Uniform Guidance Training

The College of New Jersey recently updated institutional policies and procedures resulting from the Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards from the Office of Management and Budget 2 C.F.R. § 200 (“Uniform Guidance”). The Uniform Guidance supersedes OMB Circulars A–21, A–87, A–122; Circulars A–89, A–102, A–110, and A–133 and the guidance in Circular A–50 on Single Audit Act follow-up. Under the new guidance, greater flexibility has been granted to recipient entities to develop and implement internal policies and procedures, while still holding institutions accountable for compliance with applicable federal standards and guidance. All faculty and support staff are required to take specific training modules and other training modules will be optional for some depending on the sponsored programs in which they are participating. Mandatory trainings include:

Allowable costs, direct charging, cost transfersCost Principles Hand Out
• Compensation and Effort Verification TrainingCompensation Hand Out
Procurement Training

PIs and staff who have sponsored programs with the following activity are required to attend these trainings; other faculty can attend these trainings if space is available:

Cost Sharing
Subrecipient Monitoring
