Fellowships for Faculty in the Humanities

ACLS Fellowships ACLS invites research proposals from scholars in all disciplines of the humanities and related social sciences. Given the disproportionate effect the current economic downturn has had on emerging, independent, and untenured scholars, ACLS will continue in the 2021-22 competition year to offer these fellowships solely to untenured scholars who have earned the PhD within eight years of the application deadline. ACLS welcomes applications from scholars without faculty appointments and scholars off the tenure track.
American Academy of Arts & Sciences At present, the Academy sponsors two fellowship programs: the Hellman Fellowship in Science and Technology Policy and the Morton L. Mandel Presidential Fellowship. In addition, the Academy occasionally offers Fellowships within particular program areas. When fellowship opportunities are available, they are listed on our Jobs & Fellowships page.
American Philosophical Society The APS Library & Museum invites scholars to apply for fellowships to do research in the collections. Fellowships are offered for short-term and long-term opportunities, for subject-specific research, and in digital humanities.
Columbia Society of Fellows (Heyman Center for the Humanities) The Society of Fellows in the Humanities brings together exceptional early career scholars to be part of a cross-disciplinary community. In addition to teaching opportunities in affiliated departments and time for research, Fellows support each others’ intellectual and professional development through lecture series, workshops, and other opportunities. An integral part of the life of the SOF/Heyman, Fellows are frequently invited to participate in events with faculty from around the university.
American Antiquarian Society The American Antiquarian Society offers three broad categories of visiting research fellowships, with tenures ranging from one to twelve months.  All of the fellowships are designed to enable academic and independent scholars and advanced graduate students to spend an uninterrupted block of time doing research in the AAS library. Discussing this work with staff and other readers is a hallmark of an AAS fellowship.
Center for Hellenic Studies The purpose of the fellowship program is to encourage and support research of the highest quality on topics related to ancient Greek civilization. The proposed research may be approached through any discipline including, but not limited to, area and ethnic studies, anthropology, archaeology, art history, education, history, linguistics, literary criticism, the natural and physical sciences, philology, philosophy, political science, religious studies, and sociology, as well as related subfields.
Fulbright – Hays Short Seminars Abroad The program provides short-term study and travel seminars abroad for U.S. educators in the social sciences and humanities for the purpose of improving their understanding and knowledge of the peoples and cultures of other countries. Support is generally made available through interagency agreements. The Department of Education transfers funds through the State Department to Fulbright commissions in various countries to pay the costs associated with administering seminars. This partnership allows the program to use the services and expertise of binational organizations to plan and conduct seminars for U.S. educators.
The Getty Foundation Getty Scholar Grants are for established scholars, or individuals who have attained distinction in their fields. Recipients may be in residence at the Getty Research Institute or Getty Villa, where they pursue their own projects free from work-related obligations, make use of Getty collections, join their colleagues in a weekly meeting devoted to an annual research theme or the African American Art History Initiative, and participate in the intellectual life of the Getty.
Howard Fellowships The George A. and Eliza Gardner Howard Foundation is an independent foundation administered at Brown University. It awards a limited number of fellowships each year for independent projects in selected fields, targeting its support specifically to early mid-career individuals, who have completed at least one major project and demonstrate potential to be future leaders in their fields.  (Please consult Eligibility requirements for further information.)
Huntington Library Fellowships The Huntington Library awards over 150 research fellowships annually. Recipients of all fellowships are expected to be in continuous residence at The Huntington and to participate in, and make a contribution to, its intellectual life.
Jameson Fellowship in American History The Center offers residential fellowships to scholars and thought leaders to make use of the Library’s vast collections and digital resources. This year, four of the programs will have a new consolidated deadline of July 15, 2021: The Kluge FellowshipFellowship in Digital StudiesDavid B. Larson Fellowship in Health and Spirituality, and Jon B. Lovelace Fellowship for the Study of the Alan Lomax Collection.
The Jentel Artist Residency The Jentel Artist Residency Program offers dedicated individuals a supportive environment in which to further their creative development. Here artists and writers experience unfettered time to allow for thoughtful reflection and meditation on the creative process in a setting that preserves the agricultural and historical integrity of the land.
John F. Kennedy Library Fellowships The John F. Kennedy Library Foundation, the nonprofit organization that supports the federal John F. Kennedy Presidential Library, offers research fellowships and grants every year to support scholars who need to use the archival holdings of the JFK Library.  Candidates can apply for only one fellowship per year, but the Fellowship Committee will assess each application with the most relevant fellowship opportunity in mind.  Learn about each of the fellowships by navigating to each link on the main page.
Library of Congress Chairs & Fellowships The Kluge Center is pleased to announce that applications are now being accepted for the endowed fellowship programs at the Library of Congress. The Center offers residential fellowships to scholars and thought leaders to make use of the Library’s vast collections and digital resources.
Mahindra Humanities Center Postdoctoral Fellowship The Mahindra Humanities Center invites applications for five one-year postdoctoral fellowships on the topic of the environmental humanities, drawn from any humanistic discipline. We interpret the environmental humanities in the broadest terms, to include all parts of the world and historical eras. Topics may include (but are not limited to) humanistic approaches to climate change, biodiversity, social justice, environmental justice, food justice, regenerative practices, gardening, landscape, urban foraging, health, and animal studies.
Massachusetts Historical Society The Massachusetts Historical Society now offers multiple awards to scholars who need to use its library and archival collections. The research projects that the MHS supports through its fellowship programs produce cutting-edge historical scholarship. In addition, the MHS facilitates the visits of scholars in residence at the MHS through the support of other funding agencies.
National Humanities Center During their time in residence, Fellows are given the freedom to work on their projects while benefiting from the exceptional services of the Center.  The stunning Archie K. Davis building offers private studies, light-filled common areas, and verdant grounds.  The Center also provides scholars with exceptional library services, breakfasts, and lunches in the dining area, and administrative support in organizing seminars and study groups.
NEH Summer Stipends The National Endowment for the Humanities’ Summer Stipends program aims to stimulate new research in the humanities and its publication. Summer Stipends support continuous full-time work on a humanities project for a period of two consecutive months.  NEH funds may support recipients’ compensation, travel, and other costs related to the proposed scholarly research.
NEH Fellowships NEH Fellowships are competitive awards granted to individual scholars pursuing projects that embody exceptional research, rigorous analysis, and clear writing.  Applications must clearly articulate a project’s value to humanities scholars, general audiences, or both.  Fellowships provide recipients time to conduct research or to produce books, monographs, peer-reviewed articles, e-books, digital materials, translations with annotations or a critical apparatus, or critical editions resulting from previous research.  Projects may be at any stage of development.
Netherlands Institute NIAS’ academic community is made up of researchers who have been awarded one of the institute’s various fellowships. The thing that sets NIAS’ community apart from traditional academic communities is diversity and independent research. Not only do its researchers consist of fellows from across the globe, but the institute boasts fellows across various academic subjects, putting an emphasis on cross-discipline collaboration that leads to exciting research.
Newberry Library Fellowships The Newberry’s long-standing fellowship program provides outstanding scholars with the time, space, and community required to pursue innovative and ground-breaking scholarship. Fellows have access to the Newberry’s wide-ranging and rare archival materials as well as to a lively, interdisciplinary community of researchers, curators, and librarians. We expect recipients to advance scholarship in various fields, develop new interpretations, and expand our understandings of the past.  Long and short term fellowships are available.
Shohet Scholars The ICS desires to support scholars of demonstrated promise and ability who are judged capable of producing significant, original research that is consistent with the above goal. Shohet Scholars may do their research in the fields of archaeology, art history, classical studies, history, comparative religions, or related subjects. The work need not focus explicitly on the Roman catacombs, but it should be within the sphere of the Mediterranean world from the late Hellenistic Period to the end of the Roman Empire. Of special interest are interdisciplinary projects that approach traditional topics from new perspectives.
Smithsonian Senior Fellows The Smithsonian Institution Fellowship Program offers opportunities for independent research or study related to Smithsonian collections, facilities, and/or research interests of the Institution and its staff. Fellowships are offered to graduate students, predoctoral students, and postdoctoral and senior investigators to conduct independent research and to utilize the resources of the Institution with members of the Smithsonian professional research staff serving as advisors and hosts.
SAR Resident Scholars Resident scholar fellowships are awarded annually by the School for Advanced Research (SAR) to up to six scholars who have completed their research and who need time to prepare manuscripts or dissertations on topics important to the understanding of humankind. Resident scholars may approach their research from the perspective of anthropology or from related fields such as history and sociology. Scholars from the humanities and social sciences are encouraged to apply.
Supreme Court Fellows Fellowships at the Supreme Court of the United States, the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts, the Federal Judicial Center, and the U.S. Sentencing Commission. Explore the four different fellowship placements and the special activities that are part of the year-long experience.
Tanner Fellowship Fellows at the Tanner Center not only pursue their own projects, but also join a community of scholars. During the Spring semester, fellows workshop their papers alongside their peers in open discussion. Individual meetings with the center’s director and other fellows guide research and shape written drafts. Fellows also present their research to a broader audience during our public Work-in-Progress Talks, also held in the spring. Since 2006, we have hosted more than 100 Work-in-Progress Talks originating from research conducted by our residential fellows.
UNESCO Fellowship Fellowships are an effective modality for UNESCO to enhance the human resources and capacity-building of Member States, especially developing countries. Fellowships are specially tailored training which are designed to give qualified persons practicing or intending to practice a profession in the field of the UNESCO programme priorities an opportunity to receive additional and practical training, thus contributing to the advancement and circulation of knowledge and skill promoting development and international understanding.
Ucross Residency The Ucross Residency Program is open to visual artists, writers, composers, choreographers, interdisciplinary artists, and performance artists, as well as collaborative teams. Applicants must exhibit professional standing in their field; both mature and emerging artists of promise are welcome to apply.
Yaddo Residency Offer residencies to professional creative artists from all nations and backgrounds working in one or more of the following disciplines: choreography, film, literature, musical composition, painting, performance, photography, printmaking, sculpture, and video. You may apply individually or as members of collaborative teams of up to three artists. Peer review is the keystone of our selection process, with different panelists each season. Residencies last from two weeks to two months and include room, board and a studio.
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If you’d like to suggest additional fellowships to list here, or if you have any problems accessing the above-listed links, please email grants@tcnj.edu.