AAUW Fellowships | Postdoc Research Leave Fellowships — $30,000, one year. Intended to assist in obtaining tenure. Female; Ph.D., MFA, EdD, DBA, or DM by application. Arts, humanities, sciences, social sciences. Preference to projects that are not dissertation revision. Deadline early Nov. Summer/Short-Term Research Publication Grants — $6,000 for 8-week consecutive period. To prepare manuscript for publication. Female; must have doctorate or MFA. May also be part-time or temporary faculty. For drafting, editing, review; not for preliminary research. Cannot be co-authored. Scholars with strong publication records should seek elsewhere. Deadline early Nov. |
BBVA Frontiers of Knowledge Awards | $600,000 award recognizing research in: physics, chemistry, math, biomedicine, conservation biology, information technologies, economics; or creative excellence in music, painting, sculpture. Nom deadline June. |
Burkhardt Residential Fellowships | $75,000. Academic-year residential fellowships for recently-tenured humanists and related social sciences. For long-term, unusually ambitious projects of wide scope and high significance. September. |
Rockefeller Foundation, Bellagio Residency | 4-week residency at Bellagio, Italy. Scholars, scientists, and creative artists in all fields. January |
Japan Foundation | Long-term (2-12 months) & short-term (21-60 days) Research Fellowships. Airfare, stipend. Nov.1 |
Leibniz-DAAD Research Fellowships | Postdoc grants in Germany, up to 12 months. PhD within past 2 yrs. Humanities, social science, education, math, life sciences, engineering. June 15 |
Grawemeyer Award for Ideas Improving World Order | $200,000 for original, feasible ideas which could lead to a more just and peaceful world order. They may address a wide range of global concerns such as cooperation on environmental or other issues; international law; world politics; global economic issues; resolution of regional, ethnic, or racial conflicts; proliferation of destructive technologies; international relations; or other. Deadline early January. |
Guggenheim Fellows | Advanced professionals, in all fields except performance. Apps available July; deadline September. |
MacArthur Fellows | $500,000 All fields. Exceptional creativity, promise for important future advances based on record of significant accomplishment, and potential for subsequent creative work. Nomination only by invitation of MacArthur Fellows Program, anonymous |
Mellon Emerging Faculty Leaders | Applicants eligible for the Mellon Emerging Faculty Leaders Award will be assistant professors in tenure-track appointments who are pursuing tenure. They will have successfully passed the standard third-year/midpoint review or their institution’s equivalent no later than January 31, 2022. |
Residential Fellows, CASBS | Academic-year interdiscipl residential fellowship, Stanford Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences. Social and natural sciences, humanities, arts, professions. June 1 |
CASBS Summer Institutes | Stanford, 6-week interdisciplinary seminars; targeted to faculty tenured in past 3-4 years. March 31 |
Cherry Award for Teaching | $200,000 and $25,000 to recipient’s home department. By University nomination. All fields. Teaching one semester in residence at Baylor University; housing provided. Extraordinary teaching, distinguished national and international scholarship. Nomination deadline November 1. |
DAAD Grants to Germany | Research Visit Grants — All fields. 1-3 months or 10-mo. US citizen or perm.res. Adequate German. Grants for research projects (not for travel only). Deadlines Aug 1, January 15. Research Grants — for early-stage postdocs. Research or pursuit of German doctorate. Helmholtz-DAAD — Postdoc in earth/environmental science, health, structure of matter, etc. 12-36 months. Visiting Professorship — all fields. Deadlines July, January. Short-Term Lectureship — host German scholar to teach, 1-6 mo, any field. Deadlines June, Sept, Nov. Group Study Visit — partial subsidy for faculty + 10-15 students. Application deadlines Nov, Feb, May. DAAD-Cornell Summer Seminar — 4-6 weeks. Interdisciplinary, modern German affairs. Deadline March |
Fulbright Scholars | Fulbright Scholars — Research or lecturing in another country, 3 mo. to 1 yr. Fulbright Distinguished Chairs — Research/lecturing, collaborating with international colleagues. Fulbright Specialists — 2 to 6 weeks, in selected disciplines. |
Newton International Fellowships | Funding for 2 yrs post-doc collaborative research in U.K. Humanities, social sciences, natural sciences,engineering. Apply when completing Ph.D. or up to 6 yrs postdoc. Deadline August. |
Humboldt Research Fellowships | All disciplines; long-term research projects in Germany. |
AIMS Research Grants to Maghreb | Short-term (1-3 months, to $6,000) and long-term (3+ mo., to $15,000) grants for research on North Africa in Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, Libya, or Mauritania. US citizen; all disciplines; AIMS member. December. |
ACG, American Council on Germany | Goldman Fellowships and Hunt Fellowships: Travel + per diem up to 28 days, for study on historical or contemporary US-German relations. Also fellowships for journalists. |
DFG, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft | Financing for research collaborations in sciences and humanities; also joint doctoral training programs. |
American Scandinavian Foundation | Alternate funding sources for study or research in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway or Sweden. |
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If you’d like to suggest additional fellowships to list here, or if you have any problems accessing the above-listed links, please email grants@tcnj.edu. |